1. 將證件條碼靠近紅光下方掃描器,由上往下刷動。
2. 聽到「嗶」聲表示掃描成功,上方螢幕即會顯示學號或身分證字號。
3. 將額頭對準藍色感應區,距離約2-5公分,雙眼直視綠色恐龍貼紙。
4. 聽到「叮咚」聲表示量測成功,螢幕即會顯示溫度。
► 快速通關影片(中文):https://youtu.be/FGo2hNQbRO0
► 快速通關影片(英文):https://youtu.be/9LSwCvJ2fn4
Self-help body temperature measurement
Venue: Building W, Building E, Building S
1. Show your student ID card and swipe the card on the card reader.
2. After the information appears, move your forehead close to the blue sensing area about 2 ~ 5 cm, looking straight at the green dinosaur sticker.
3. You can leave after the green tick appears.
Be your own health keeper from now on.